New to Yoga

We Help You Get Started with Confidence

Yoga can be an intimidating practice for those who are new to the ancient form of exercise. There are hundreds of poses that require you to contort your body into positions that, outside of a yoga studio, you may never be tempted to try or expect to find yourself in. At The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio in Dennis, we are sensitive to the anxiety that may surround new students and make every effort to help you become a confident yogi. Practicing yoga is a great way to develop a healthy lifestyle. All it takes to embark on your journey is sign up for a class at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio.

Yoga is also an incredibly inclusive practice. We modify the yoga poses we teach at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio to accommodate the needs of absolutely any individual, including those who are fit, those who are overweight and those who struggle with disabilities. Of course, before you can become proficient in yoga you have to learn how to get started.

Yoga for Beginners

You won't become a yogi after just one day in a Dennis yoga studio. Developing a yoga-centered lifestyle takes years, but that doesn't mean you can't benefit from yoga at an introductory level. Yoga for beginners can help you to manage stress and get in shape.

At any intensity level, yoga delivers certain benefits, including benefits to your mental and physical health. Yoga can help you tone muscle and lose weight while encouraging great stress management and meditation.

Don't let your first yoga class intimidate you. To get started at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio all you need is:

  • A yoga mat
  • Comfortable clothes that allow you to move and flex freely
  • Water to stay hydrated
  • A positive attitude
  • An open mind

If you are taking our hot yoga class, add a towel to this list. In hot or Bikram yoga classes you will typically begin to sweat, and yoga mats will become slippery when wet.

When you take your first yoga class at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio in Dennis, you may not know all of the poses. There is no need to study before you see us for the first time in order to feel comfortable at the front of the class. If you're not ready to take center stage, just set up your mat in the middle or back of the room and keep an eye on others in the class. By watching fellow yogis, you can know what each of the poses are as you transition into them. Our helpful instructors will also assist you as needed.

Yoga is an inviting, meditational and even spiritual experience that can help you get in shape and tone muscle. Don't let yourself feel too intimidated by any preconceived notions about the practice. As a welcoming practice, you can rest assured that any class you find will be inviting and inclusive, helping you to feel as comfortable as possible.

Office Hours


9:00 am-12:00 pm

By Appointment


6:00 pm-7:30 pm

By Appointment only



6:00 pm-7:30 pm


By Appointment

8:00 am-6:00 pm


By Appointment only

6:00 pm-7:30 pm


9:30 am-11:00 am



By Appointment

By Appointment


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