New Yoga Students

New to Yoga? You'll Fit Right In

It's natural to feel intimidated the first time you enter a Dennis yoga studio, even at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio. Remember everyone in the studio also had a “first class," including your instructor! One way to gain confidence is to practice at home and slowly incorporate yoga into your lifestyle. During class, one of our highly trained instructors will provide adjustments or assists to help you better align your body, prevent injury, and better position your body in a specific posture. Consider positioning your mat near the middle of the room so you can see what the rest of the class is doing in addition to the instructor.

Why Yoga?

Yoga is a mind-body exercise that originated in India more than 5,000 years ago. While there are many styles of yoga, in general, every style includes postures (asanas), meditation, and breathing techniques (pranayama). With regular practice, yoga builds physical strength and flexibility while reducing stress and improving the mind-body connection.

Yoga health benefits include reduced blood pressure, increased focus, a deeper spiritual mind/body connection, more energy, and better sleep at night. Many elements of yogic philosophy, such as loving kindness, compassion and non-judgment, may also influence an individual lifestyle as they adopt healthier habits and make more positive, life-affirming choices.

Finding the Right Yoga for You

If you are new to yoga, you may be wondering what class to take. Hatha yoga is a gentle style with introductory poses that are accessible to individuals with all body types and athletic abilities. If you have never practiced yoga before, a hatha class is a good place to build a strong foundation before progressing to more athletic styles such as Vinyasa or Ashtanga.  Keeping in mind, that we are the studio for a beginner student, a more mature student or have the desire to modifyyour practice to suit your needs. At The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio, we are happy to work with all new students to find just the right beginner yoga class for you. We will never push you to enter a class that makes you uncomfortable or won't help you meet your goals.

Finding the right instructor is another important part of beginning yoga. Our Dennis teachers registered with Yoga Alliance have completed either 200 or 500 hours of training at an approved studio. You can practice with confidence knowing that our teachers are specifically trained to not only help you progress in your practice, but also to help prevent your body from being injured. While some instructors may lead classes in a brief chant, share Hindu or Buddhist philosophy, or display a deity in class, don't let these experiences scare you. Bring increased focus by linking your breath with your movement. The spiritual part of Yoga is entirely up to you!

With a variety of classes at our Dennis studio, you are sure to find a class and instructor at The Moving Meditation Yoga Studio that can help you grow in your yoga mastery.

Office Hours


9:00 am-12:00 pm

By Appointment


6:00 pm-7:30 pm

By Appointment only



6:00 pm-7:30 pm


By Appointment

8:00 am-6:00 pm


By Appointment only

6:00 pm-7:30 pm


9:30 am-11:00 am



By Appointment

By Appointment


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